Tuesday, March 30, 2021

March 30

March 30

I remember it well.  It was the second last day of our rental and I was driving my golf cart along Holly Lane when I spotted two butterflies hovering around each other.  When they both landed on a reed of grass, I reached in and took a few photos before they flew away.  I was lucky to capture a few shots of them mating.  

I photographed a grackle getting a bath on 14th Street, a red-winged blackbird on Holly Drive, and orchids among other subjects.  

You can view today's photos here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=kbrucelanetravel&set=a.1761175727388721

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Bonfires I have been having bonfires around my property in Holyrood for over 40 years and have enjoyed every one of them! I have taken pictu...