Monday, February 28, 2022



I recently scanned slides I took at an antique show (which was a project at St. Georges Elementary School in 1989) and have been adding them to my Things Album. If you enjoy this type of photo, you may want to check my albums:

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In 1989, a whale washed ashore in Seal Cove, Conception Bay and I took a few photos of it when I passed by. I wasn't the only person that took photos of it!

I have added these photos to my Whales Album -

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Snowshoe Hare

Snowshoe Hare

We have no rabbits on the island of Newfoundland but we do have lots of snowshoe hare, which we locally call "rabbits". I hardly ever spot them during the winter, but in the early spring when plants are starting to grow, I see a couple around my yard most years. Generally, I can't get too close to them, but occasionally I do get a few photos. 

I have an album of photos of snowshoe hare -

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Friday, February 25, 2022

Point Pleasant Park

Point Pleasant Park

I visited Point Pleasant Park in Halifax in the summer of 2006 and am updating my album with larger and a few different photos from that visit. Apparently, Hurricane Juan blew through the park in 2003 and destroyed around 70 000 trees, however, I still enjoyed my walk in the park! :)

You can view the album here -

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Thursday, February 24, 2022



This summer, I was surprised and happy that a bunch of sunflowers grew among my vegetables even though I didn't plant them.  I assume the crows and/or blue jays planted the seeds for me.  I also enjoyed taking pictures of these beautiful flowers, especially when bees and other insects were on them. Next summer, I plan to plant a whole garden of sunflowers!!

It is late February and we have no snow on the ground - it is 5°C (40°F) here this morning - and I could be turning the soil in my gardens if I wanted.  It's been a weird winter!

You can view the sunflower images from my yard here -

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022



This morning, I realized that I didn't have a Facebook Album that featured photos of Colliers, so I started one and began with photos from 1989.  I have driven through Colliers and taken pictures many times and will try to upload them starting with the older photos!  You will see many changes!

You can follow the album here -

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Lower Lance Cove

Lower Lance Cove This morning, I finished updating my Lower Lance Cove Facebook Album. You will find photos from the winter of 2004 and the ...