Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Doors - Europe

 Doors - Europe

I am presently adding photos to my Doors-Europe 3 Facebook Album on my Travel Page. I remember taking a photo of a door in Rome and a guy walked by and commented, "Taking photos of doors! Interesting!"  I found it interesting that he noticed what I was taking photos of.  :)

I am providing links to my 3 albums:

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Saturday, October 28, 2023



Fall is a beautiful time of the year to visit Holyrood. Yesterday was the first sunny day in a while so I stopped to take a few photos of fall in the town. 

I will share these in my Fall 2023 and Holyrood - Around the Town Facebook Albums. 

You can follow the albums here:

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Harbour Round

Harbour Round 

In mid-September, I visited several communities on the Baie Verte Peninsula and I have been sharing photos over the last month or so. The last community is Harbour Round and I started an album this morning. You can follow the album here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.836952411767659&type=3

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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Evening Grosbeaks

Evening Grosbeaks

I haven't seen an evening grosbeak around my yard since early Spring. However, once the weather gets a little colder, I believe they will begin to show up.

I have an Evening Grosbeaks Album that I hope to add to when they do show up and you will find it here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10162978313895329&type=3

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Colourful Buildings

Colourful Buildings

This summer, I photographed many colourful buildings as I travelled around the province and I am presently adding photos to my Colourful Buildings 9 Facebook Album. Communities have gotten a lot more colourful in the last few years.

You can follow my current album here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.832544782208422&type=3

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Burning Bush

Burning Bush

The deciduous trees are very colourful this time of the year and the 2 burning bush shrubs on my property are very colourful.  I have 2 albums featuring photos of these plants on my Flowers and Trees Page and I have provided links to them below:

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Hydrangeas My hydrangea plant is done blooming for this year, but I have started a new album in which I will continue sharing photos from 20...