Friday, June 30, 2023



I decided to add my drone photos of Avondale to my Avondale 2 album. Previously, I was creating Drone albums on my main page and adding to them in the order they were taken. However, I realized that people viewing photos of Avondale on this page may miss them. I will probably do the same for other communities that I have flown my drone over. 

You can follow my Avondale 2 album here -

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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Bay Bulls

Bay Bulls

I have added more photos to my Bay Bulls - Around the Town album this morning and you can view the album here -

The photos in the album go back as far as the 80s as well as recent ones and quite a few in between. If you like Bay Bulls, you will probably enjoy seeing the photos in this album.

If you haven't Liked my Communities and Culture page, feel free to do so -

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023



This morning I started a NEW Things 12 Facebook Album and started with colourful things that I have photographed recently. I usually mix antique items and recent items in my albums. The piano was located at the Health Sciences Centre and the bench and mailboxes were photographed on Duckworth Street in St. Johns.

You can follow my latest album here -

If you like these photos, you should check out my other Things albums. Here are links to the most recent albums:

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Sunday, June 25, 2023



This morning, I started a NEW Around the Town Album 6 on my Holyrood Page. 

If you aren't aware, a few years ago I set up a page dedicated to photos of Holyrood because I had so many photos of this beautiful town. My new album will feature photos taken in 2023 and I started with photos of a few houses that I took this spring and early summer. You can follow this album here -

If you are interested, here are links to my 4th and 5th albums:

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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Garbage Boxes

Garbage Boxes

There are some pretty colourful garbage boxes around the island of Newfoundland. I am presently adding photos to my Garbage Boxes 2 Facebook album and will be adding to it as I get more photos. I have to give my father credit for encouraging me to take photos of garbage boxes. He used to point them out to me as we drove around and afterward, I began taking more notice of them. Now I take photos of lots of them!

I have added links to both albums below:

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Friday, June 23, 2023

St. Catherine's

St. Catherine's

Yesterday, I launched my drone in St. Catherine's and flew upriver until I lost contact with my drone - around 3500 feet (100 m) away. When I regained contact, I turned around and flew back down the river. Everything sure is green this time of the year!

I am presently sharing photos in a Facebook album and you can follow it here -

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Homemade Bread

Homemade Bread

I have been adding to this blog daily since 2006 and I don't think I have created an album to share my photos of homemade bread. So, today, I created one and will add to it for a few days. This was a batch of raisin bread that my wife made nearly 20 years ago. And it was delicious.

You can follow this new album here -

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Lower Lance Cove

Lower Lance Cove This morning, I finished updating my Lower Lance Cove Facebook Album. You will find photos from the winter of 2004 and the ...