Monday, August 31, 2015

The Cape Shore 6

The Cape Shore 6

I stopped at one house in the town of Patrick's Cove on the Cape Shore and made several photos of it before moving on. There had been a fire next door and the house (or barn) that had been there was gone except for a chimney. The house was being lived in when I made these photos in May, 2004.

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You can view more of my photos on my web site and Facebook Pages:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Cape Shore 5

The Cape Shore 5

Horses, houses, people fishing and a dog running across a river were my photographic subjects during a visit on May 23, 2004.

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You can view more of my photos on my web site and Facebook Pages:

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Cape Shore 4

The Cape Shore 4

Today you will find photos from the steep cliffs to a sandy beach along The Cape Shore. The scenery along this scenic drive is fantastic but you have to get out of your vehicle and explore, especially if you want to make photographs.

The beach was very dirty with rope, oil containers and other items that were probably thrown from boats.

The young woman who walked into the cold waters of the North Atlantic didn't last more than a few seconds. Of course, last time I dove into the ocean it was like diving into ice water, so I didn't really blame her.

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You can view more of my photos on my web site and Facebook Pages:

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Cape Shore 3

The Cape Shore 3

It is a hard life for trees that sprout along the high cliffs along the Cape Shore. The winds and fog coming in from the cold waters of the North Atlantic cause them to be stunted, misshapen and, in many cases, they die a slow death leaving behind weather-worn stumps and branches.

I made photos of many of those whose shapes and textures I particularly liked and you are viewing 23 images today.

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You can view more of my photos on my web site and Facebook Pages:

White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...