Friday, February 28, 2020

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

I find it difficult to photograph small birds around my home in Holyrood.  They are usually skittish and fly into the woods.  Once they disappear into the trees, getting a photo is nearly impossible.  Occasionally they will stay still long enough for me to get a photo.  I find that if birds are feeding or preening their feathers, they don't pay as much attention and don't fly away so quickly.

I took the above photos during my morning walk in Florida in February 2018.  I spotted them flying into the trees ahead of me.  I slowed down and got my camera ready.  As I inched toward them, I was able to get a few shots before they flew away. 

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Thursday, February 27, 2020



Today's photos were taken on the off-ramp to the Holyrood Access Road, now called Liam Hickey Drive.  As water flows over the rock face, it freezes into interesting shapes.  I realize most people are tired of ice and snow, but when I come upon a photo at random, I have to share!  Hopefully, I will find something more colourful tomorrow!

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Wednesday, February 26, 2020



My wife plants flowers in pots on our deck.  Most years she chooses petunias and I have to admit that they are both beautiful and prolific.  They bloom from early summer until the frost gets them in the fall.  They certainly add colour around the house.

I was told recently that the only difference between wave petunias and regular ones is that the wave petunias drop the blossoms when they are done, whereas you have to pick them off regular petunias to keep them blooming.  If anyone knows that this is a fact, let me know. 

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Japanese Willow

Japanese Variegated Willow

A friend gave us a Japanese willow first when we moved into our house.  It did really well for a couple of years, then started to die.  I moved it to another location and it is still struggling.  This spring, I plan to move it again and, hopefully, it will grow better.  

This is a pretty plant when the leaves are pink.

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Monday, February 24, 2020



I took this photo in Nova Scotia in 2011.  II sat in a chair near the feeder and waited for a hummingbird to show up.  After quite a wait, a couple of the tiny birds started visiting the feeder.  I was able to get quite a few shots in the hour and a half that I sat there.

I've photographed hummingbirds in BC as well, but didn't get many photos worth sharing.  I will begin a hummingbirds album on my Facebook page soon!

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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Chapel's Cove

Chapel's Cove

Chapel's Cove is the next community to Holyrood, and I visit it often.  I have been photographing this barn since I moved there in 1982.  When I first visited, there were hens and ducks(maybe).  At the time I had hens and ducks as well, so it was interesting for me.  I've seen many changes to that property and may search for all the photos I have taken over the years.  Today's photos are from, 2003, and 2012.

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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

I have been photographing churches for several years.  Luckily, this church in Bay Bulls was unlocked when I photographed it in 2002.  If you would like to view more photos of this church, check out my Facebook album,

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Friday, February 21, 2020



I have been to Greenspond twice.  In the mid-70s I went there to photograph a fish storage facility and had to hitch a ride with a fisherman because I had missed the ferry.  I was only there long enough to take the pictures and left when the ferry arrived to go back.

In 2006, the island had been connected by road and my brother Rick and I walked around the community taking pictures.  I took several photos of this house and the owner came out for a chat.

If you would like to see more photos of this photogenic community, feel free to check my Facebook Album.

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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Heart's Content

Heart's Content

In 2003 I photographed the freshly painted light in Heart's Content.  I photograph lighthouses wherever I go and was happy to see it looking so good.  I am not sure how often they paint it, but I am glad I dropped by that summer.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Steps Through Time

Steps Through Time

I took these photos of Kate Corbett, from Holyrood at the time, as she participated in Steps Through Time, a historical walk through the town of Brigus.  I've included 5 photos of her as a "sea spirit".  in the last two photos it was raining, but the performance went on!

I do have an album of photos showing the rest of the performers.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Esquimalt Lagoon

Esquimalt Lagoon

I visited the Esquimalt Lagoon when I was in Victoria, BC last summer.  An artist makes art from driftwood.  If you would like to see more photos, feel free to chek my Facebook album.

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Monday, February 17, 2020



Bakeapples (or cloudberries) grow in some bogs around the province.  Years ago, I discovered two bogs in the hills behind my house.  Each year in late July, I picked enough berries to make desserts.  I haven't picked them for several years, because my back can't take bending over and stretching to pick the berries.

If you are interested in seeing more photos of bakeapples, feel free to check my Facebook Album.

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Religious Art

Religious Art

It is Sunday and I happened upon this image which is a combination of 3 photos.  I created this to be used as the cover of a DVD produced for Grade 6 religion classes in Newfoundland and Labrador.  The Kirk is located in St. John's, the small wooden church was photographed on the Random Passage movie set, and the chalice was in All Saints Anglican Church in Tilton, Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Woodland Caribou

Woodland Caribou

When choosing a random photo for this morning, I landed on caribou photos.  I chose 4 to share on my Blog and all were scanned from slides taken in the 1990s near Cape Pine Lighthouse.  In those days there were around 6000 animals in the herd at that time.  The last time I went down to photograph caribou, I didn't even see one.  Luckily, I have lots of photos of them already!

If you would like to see more photos of woodland caribou, feel free to check my Facebook album -

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White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...