Monday, April 30, 2012

Labadee 8

Labadee 8

I made quite a few photos on the small beach and am uploading twenty to my Blog this morning. I walked along the entire length of the beach before going for my first swim in the Caribbean since I visited Antigua with friends back in 1969. Of course the water was warm and refreshing since the temperature outside was 30°C (90°F).

If you have been on my Photo of the Day list for any amount of time, you know that I enjoy photographing boats. There were several small boats moored just offshore and I made both wide and close-up photos of them which you will see on my Blog. The brown boat has a hand-painted TAXI sign. I saw two locals paddling by in a small boat and made a couple of photos of them.

When I started sharing images of Florida and the Caribbean cruise, I stated that the purpose was to show you that there are photos everywhere you look. No matter where I go, I always find something to photograph and that is why the theme to my Photo of the Day is - EVERYTHING'S A PICTURE.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Labadee 7

Labadee 7

On April 25 (Labadee 2 - People on my Blog), I shared a few photos of Catrina, the young artist who was displaying her artwork for our tour group. This morning I am sharing more photos of her and a few of her work. She sold several 8 x 10" and a few other pieces to the tourists.

The second image shows many beautiful items made of wood. Like the guy who made hats and purses, he didn't sell anything; not because of the quality of his work, but because people didn't have room for the items.
I've uploaded a few photos of other items on display along the path to the beach as well as one of a house hidden among the lush green forest. Our next stop was the beach, where we spent about an hour before heading back to the cruise ship. Tomorrow I plan to share photos taken while relaxing on the beach.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Labadee 6

Labadee 6

Today's photos show more images taken during our Haitian Cultural Tour and include photos of how they made coffee, peanut butter and Grand Marnier.

In order to get photos of the people and products without including other tourists, I usually waited until the group moved on. As a result I missed much of the information provided by our tour guide. But I do know they roasted coffee beans and peanuts, made peanut butter and made a liquor out of orange rinds. The Grand Marnier bottle was on display, but I am not sure they actually made that particular product.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Lower Lance Cove

Lower Lance Cove This morning, I finished updating my Lower Lance Cove Facebook Album. You will find photos from the winter of 2004 and the ...