Monday, September 30, 2024



It's that time of the year when pumpkins begin to appear around your community. Imagine all the pumpkins around the world that will be displayed and carved this month! It's mind-boggling!  I will be sharing photos of pumpkins to my Pumpkins Facebook Album for the next while and you can follow it here -

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Sunday, September 29, 2024

K. Bruce Lane - Communities and Culture

K. Bruce Lane - Communities and Culture

Several years ago, I launched my K. Bruce Lane - Communities and Culture Facebook Page, and I have been adding pictures daily since then. On this page, you will find pictures I took in every town I have visited around the province, churches, colourful buildings and lighthouses. You will also find Posters Albums with photos and text that I created.

You can LIKE my page here -

If you would like to scan through the albums, you can find them here -

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

K. Bruce Lane Photography - Travel

K. Bruce Lane Photography - Travel

Several years ago, I started a Travel Page on Facebook and have been creating albums for each place I visited. Wherever I go, I shoot photographs of people and touristy spots as well as things that attract my attention. I post pictures to the page every day depending on which Album I am working on. 

If interested you can Like my page here -

If you would like to see the Albums I have on that page, you can see them here -

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Friday, September 27, 2024



Today, I started a new album featuring photos I took in Salem, MA in the 1990s. I visited the town on three occasions and found it very interesting. Unfortunately, digital photography wasn't common then and I shot using Kodachrome Slide Film so I don't have as many pictures as I would shoot today! If you are interested, you can follow the album here -

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Multiple Images

Multiple Images

I spent a lot of time creating images from 2 or more of my pictures and have 4 Facebook Albums online. I like most of the ones I created and I have provided links to the albums below:

Wednesday, September 25, 2024




I was in Texas in 1990 and took several photos as I travelled around the state. The pictures are in my Texas Album on my Travel Page. The pictures shared here today were taken in San Antonio, but there are photos from the Dallas/Fort Worth Area and a few from rural areas. You can view the album here -

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024



If I look up and see interesting clouds, I take a picture and I must look up a lot because I  have 23 albums of cloud pictures with approximately 100 pictures in each! I was tempted to start an album called "Don't Look Up" but there is a movie with the same name. :)

I wonder how many people take pictures of clouds? I have provided links to my 2 most recent below:

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Bees 2024-2025

Bees 2024-2025

Yesterday, I started a new Bumblebees Facebook album. I callled it  Bees 2024-2025 because I doubt if I'll see many more bees this year and I didn't want to start a new album for a few pictures. I didn't see many bumblebees in my yard this year even though I made daily trips looking for them. You can follow the album here -

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White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...