Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yesterday's photos illustrated how the lighting on a photographic subject changes as you change the angle of view. This morning I chose two photos of the same subject which were taken approximately 6 months apart.

The cabin is located on the Witless Bay Line and I have photographed it during all seasons. It is amazing that the cabin can be covered by snow for much of the winter but doesn't get wet inside. You can see that the owner covers the windows and door in preparation for the snow.

I spoke to the gentleman who owns this cabin and loves it there. He comes out during the winter to check on the cabin. His problem is not the snow or water, but people running over his roof on snowmobiles (when the snow is a little deeper than it is in today's photo).

Today's lesson: When you visit a place with the intention of making photographs, note things that have changed since your last visit and take photos for comparison purposes.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Today's photos show three different angles of a vase of flowers that are made from glass. The examples illustrate how changing the angle of view affects the image that you will make at the "decisive moment" you choose to press the shutter. I often comment about taking many photos of the same subject and today's images show examples of the type of approach I take when making photographs.

In the first photo you can see that one of the flowers is nearly black, but in the other two you can see more colours. By moving just a little to my right, I saw more detail in the flowers. In the final image the light was nearly behind me. You can see reflections of the windows in the flowers. The colours in this view are much brighter.

Today's lesson: Move around your subject and photograph the views you like. Try moving closer or farther away. Experiment by taking a few photos of things in your home.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Around this time of the year I start feeding the birds around my property. Since there are 4 cats living in the area, I do not feed them when the weather is decent because the cats love to hunt them; and they are good hunters!

I chose to share two photos of chickadees which are welcome visitors to my bird feeder. I enjoy watching (and photographing) them as they fly in, grab seeds, then fly into a nearby tree to crack and eat them. In the second photo you can see how the chickadee holds the seed with one of its feet, then breaks it with its beak. Chickadees are fairly difficult to photograph because they don't stay still very long.

If you like photographs of birds, feel free to check my Birds Galleries:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shapes and Textures

I chose a different photographic subject today - shapes and textures. The photographs show shapes and textures of materials photographed in a museum in Bear River, Nova Scotia.
The first image shows part of a quilt that was hung in the museum. The second shows a dress with beads and sequins.

The photos were taken inside without a flash or tripod. I set the ISO at 1600 and used the P (Program) settings. The camera chose f4 at 1/30 sec. When taking photographs at low shutter speeds without a tripod you have to hold the camera very still or your photographs will be blurry.
I like taking photographs of materials because of the colours, shapes and textures. I have been taking photos like this for many years and have a large collection.

As well, you can visit my Shapes and Textures Gallery at:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


In Florida I photograph just about every bird I see because they would be "rare birds" in Newfoundland and Labrador. Here at home, I also try to photograph as many birds as possible so when I saw a family of ducks feeding along the beach in Chapel's Cove I made over 200 images before they flew away.

Usually, people take local birds and animals for granted because they are fairly common. Because of my interest in photography, I have learned NOT to take local animals for granted and photograph all animals and birds when opportunities arise.

The first two images show a mother and two ducklings. It looks as though the mother is keeping watch over her offspring. I liked the way the heads (and eyes) of the ducklings were in the same position - almost like they were feeding in unison.

These are wild ducks but I am not certain of the species. They aren't very colourful, but there is a bluish patch on it's wings

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pitcher Plant

Choosing photos this time of the year is always a challenge because I am not taking a lot of photos. It doesn't get light until around 7:15 am and it is dark again by 5:00 pm so there isn't a lot of time during the day to make images.

Over the past 38 years I have taken many photos of the pitcher plant and have shared many on my Photo of the Day. This morning I chose two images of the same area: one horizontal (landscape) and the other vertical (portrait). Often, I shoot vertical and horizontal views of the same area because there is a possibility that publishers may be seeking a specific view and I will have what they are looking for. Since "going digital", I use this technique more often than I did when shooting slides.

Feel free to check the Pitcher Plant Gallery on my site:

Monday, November 24, 2008


In the past couple of days I have been sending photos of Houses and Outbuildings and letting you know that I have updated my Houses Galleries. Today I chose a couple of winter scenes to share with you. Though we haven't had any snow yet, I am sure it isn't too far away. Last year we had snow in early December and it lasted until early April.

For 38 years I have photographed houses as I drove through communities around the province. I have been back to some of these communities and many of the houses have fallen (or been torn) down while others have been fixed up. Every house I photographed over the years has a "story" and hopefully, people will recognize their house and send me their stories.

I have added the third House Gallery to my site:

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today I am sharing two more images of houses that I photographed in Ochre Pit Cove, Conception Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador. The pink and gold houses show striking colours in the first image. Even though the iceberg in the background is quite far away, it still looks big when compared to the house.

I have added the second House Gallery to my site:

You can also find photos of houses by going through photos of communities.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


A couple of weeks ago I received a request to purchase a photo of a house that was displayed on my web site. Apparently it was the house this person lived in when she was a child. This made me think that all the photos of old houses that I have taken over the years are becoming more valuable over time.

This morning I have chosen two photos that were taken over 20 years ago. The first shows a large shed and house in Colliers, Newfoundland and Labrador. Several years ago I received an email about the house in this photo and subsequently heard from members of a family whose mother was raised there. Feel free to check out the comments at : Click the link to read the emails.

The second photo was taken near Small Point in Conception Bay. It shows a fairly large shed with houses and icebergs in the background.

If you would like to see my updated Houses Gallery, visit:

Friday, November 21, 2008


Sunsets are both beautiful and peaceful and a good time of day to capture warm, tranquil images. Today's photos were made in Holyrood in June 2006 at 8:56 pm. I used my 70-300 mm lens at ISO 200 to capture over 150 photos as the sun set.

Imagine all the sunrises and sunsets I have experienced because I am a photographer trying to capture feelings of peace and beauty!

I've uploaded more photos of this particular sunset. I have also created a slide show entitled Sunrise, Sunset and will upload it to my Blog this morning. - Photo of the Day Blog.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bald Eagle/Deer

I have added two new Animal Galleries to my site: Bald Eagle and Deer. The photos were taken during my trip to the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park in Nova Scotia last August.

There are 8 close-up photographs of a bald eagle that was in a cage at the park. The images have been cropped from larger images. Click the link to visit the new Bald Eagle Gallery:

There are 16 photographs of deer taken at the same park. Click the link to visit the new Deer Gallery:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


There is a small pond in Citrus Park, Florida where birds gather to roost every evening at sunset. I have photographed several species of birds as they fly to the area to settle in for the night.

This morning I am sharing three photos of cormorants that have found a place in a large pine tree. It was late in the evening which meant the lighting was very low but I liked the silhouette of the birds and long pine needles. Despite the poor lighting, my camera was able to record a little colour in the beak.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Spider Web

I apologize for not mentioning that St. Patrick's Church is located on Patrick Street in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.

This morning I chose photos of spider webs. The first was taken as I looked toward the cloudy sky. Compare it with the second which has green plants in the background. I like the first one best.

The last two images show closer views of the water droplets on the web.

Monday, November 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Church

In 1981, I photographed the inside of St. Patrick's Church and in those days I used slide film which cost me around fifty cents per image. In 2002, when I got my first digital camera, I went to the church again and took around 80 photos (my storage card at that time could only hold that may photos). I plan to make another trip there again soon and make more images of this beautiful church.

The first photo shows the neo-Gothic style of architecture inside the building. The second is an abstract image of a stairwell in the back of the building. And, the third shows one example of the stained glass windows, many of which are more abstract than most I have seen around this province.
The slide show has over 70 images of this beautiful church!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I was walking along the rocky beach in Holyrood as the sun was setting and liked the lines and shadows created by the light reflecting off the water as it washed over the rocks. I tried a few different composition and am sharing three with you today.

The first two were taken looking directly towards the sun. I knew the bright water would cause the beach to appear darker than it really was. To make the third image. I focused on the rocks as the water receded. The reflection of the water is not as bright because the sun was to my left as I took the photo. Changing the angle also changes the lighting in a photograph.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Arches

A few people wanted to see more images of The Arches so I am sharing 3 more images today.
The first is a wide view of this interesting rock structure showing the wooden steps leading to the beach. The second shows a different angle. The height of the structure is around 15-20 feet. I shot the third image looking through one of the arches towards the ocean. Imagine the length of time it took wave action to sculpt these rock formations.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Arches

The Arches Provincial Park is located on the Great Northern Peninsula between Parsons Pond and Portland Creek. I chose photos with people to share with you today.

The first photo shows a young man standing on a part of the interesting rock structure there with a wave breaking below him. The second image shows the same rock with a couple of different people checking out the view from the top of the rock. There were other photographers in the area that day!

Lower Lance Cove

Lower Lance Cove This morning, I finished updating my Lower Lance Cove Facebook Album. You will find photos from the winter of 2004 and the ...