Thursday, March 31, 2022

Buskers Festival

Buskers Festival

In 2006, I attended the Buskers Festival on the Halifax Waterfront and took photos of a few acts. Over the last while, I have been uploading them to albums on my Travel Page along with the other photos I took that day.

You can view the album here -

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bonita Terra

Bonita Terra

You may remember that last year, from mid-January to the end of March, I shared photos on a daily basis from Bonita Terra (formerly known as Citrus Park). I thought I'd revisit the photos from this day and remind you that you can scroll through all my daily albums from last year on my Travel page.

You can find the album for March 30 here -

You can find all my albums here (just click See All and scroll down until you come to March 31 and the rest follow it) -

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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Le Castellet

Le Castellet is a medieval town in southern France and I recently revisited the photos I took there. Over the next while, I plan to upload larger and some that haven't been shared before. I am sure many of you have visited medieval towns throughout Europe, and I am sure most of you found them to be interesting!  I know I did!!

If you would like to follow my Le Castellet Revisited Album, you can follow it here -

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Monday, March 28, 2022


As most of you know, I have lived in Holyrood for 40 years and, because I have so many photos taken in and around the community, I created a Facebook page in order to share them.  In January, I started my first Around the Town album and yesterday started my 4th album.  The first 3 have approximately 100 photos in each.

Here are links to the Around the Town Albums:

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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Doors in Europe

It's been a while since I shared photos of doors that I took the time to photograph in Europe. I was taking a picture of a door in Rome and a guy stopped and spoke to me in English and told me how interesting he found it that I was photographing doors. As I go through my photos, I am glad I stopped when I did!

You can follow my second album here -

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Woody Point

I have been to Woody Point many several times over the years and I am adding recently scanned slides from 1995 that I am adding to my Woody Point Album. Woody Point is a scenic community set in beautiful Bonne Bay and surrounded by the mountains of Gros Morne National Park, including The Tablelands.

You can follow my Woody Point Facebook Album here -

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White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...