Thursday, July 31, 2014

Harry's Harbour 4

Harry's Harbour 4

This is the last of my Harry's Harbour Series and today's post also includes photos taken in nearby Langdon's Cove.  I enjoyed my trip to this small town in Green Bay and hope it isn't another 40 years before my next visit.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Harry's Harbour 3

Harry's Harbour 3

As I stated on Day 1 of this series, as I walked around Harry's Harbour I was amazed how little I remembered.  I found the house our friends rented (the yellow and brown house I am sharing this morning) when they lived there in the early 1970s and remembered a little of that part of the town.  I also remembered the church in the community.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Harry's Harbour 2

Harry's Harbour 2

There is a walking trail near the beach that takes you out around a point of land then heads through the forest.  I followed it for around 15 minutes but there were no directions or trail markers so I turned around and went back.  Our next stop was the pinnacle where I made several photos of it as well as icebergs and houses.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Monday, July 28, 2014

Harry's Harbour

Harry's Harbour

When I taught in King's Point in 1971-1973, a friend of mine from university days taught in Harry's Harbour, a small town about 20 minutes drive away.  We got together often during that two year period and I visited Harry's Harbour fairly often.  When I went there on July 1, 2014 I was amazed that I remembered very little about the town.  To be honest, I only remembered the town from the photos I took back then. 

Harry's Harbour is located in scenic Green Bay and, like in the rest of Notre Dame Bay in early June, there were icebergs everywhere.  When we got to the community I got out of the car and walked around making photos.  I spotted a large old house with several outbuildings on the property. After asking a resident if I could go in and take a few photos, I walked around  making photos of those buildings and am sharing a few with you today.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Burin Peninsula 10

Burin Peninsula 10

After travelling since 7:30 AM that morning, when we reached Grand Bank around 6:00 PM we were getting tired and hungry so we agreed that we would make photos around the lighthouse, them head for Marystown where we would pick up a lunch and head for home - a 3 hour drive. 

It had been a great day for making photos and we saw every community around the "Boot" from Marystown to Grand Bank.  There were several communities we didn't have time to visit this time.  I'll have to make another trip down that way sometime in the future!

This is the last of the Burin Peninsula Series for now.  As I upload the images to my web site, I'll let everyone know.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...