Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

I have created the Easter Story using 25 photos of Christian Art and have uploaded them all to my Blog this morning. Beginning with a beautiful stained glass image of the Last Supper, continuing with interrogation of Jesus, the scourging, the Crucifixion, the anguish of Mary, his Mother, the Resurrection, and a Blessing.
I am also sharing a poem I wrote years ago.

Good Friday

I watched
as they beat Him,
and I wanted to hear him cry out.

I stood by
as they accused Him,
and I wanted to hear Him protest.

I followed
as he climbed the hill,
wanting to see him flee.

I cringed
as they hammered the nails,
and I wanted to cry out.

I stared
as they raised him on a tree,
and I wanted to protest.

I stayed
as the sky grew dark,
though I wanted to flee.

I listened
as he forgave me,
and I began to weep.

I saw
as I looked into his eyes,
and I believed.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Great Brehat

Great Brehat

I have mentioned previously that in order to identify photographs of communities, I usually take a quick picture of the signs as I enter each town. Unfortunately, I didn't do this when travelling the Great Northern Peninsula during my first trip there in 2004. I did take a photo of a small church which said St. Carols just before the sequence of images I am uploading to my Blog this morning. Hopefully, these have been identified correctly.  They weren't - a person on Facebook saw the images and identified them as Great Brehat!

According to the web, Great Brehat has less than 100 inhabitants and all I photographed there was the interesting door on a shed, boats and the harbour.   The same person told me that the fishing stages in the photos were washed away by a storm in 2011.

In the list of links I shared with you yesterday, I inadvertently linked St. Lunaire-Griquet to the backup on my hard drive instead of the active website on my web server. Sorry about that - here is the correct link along with a few other websites I uploaded yesterday:

St. Lunaire-Griquet

Port au Port Peninsula 

Reefs Harbour

Codroy Valley

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Friday, March 29, 2013



Quirpon is another small community on the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula. It was pretty early on an overcast morning when we drove through this community but I stopped to take a few photos of the fishing stages there.

I've received several comments from people on this list stating that they are enjoying the Great Northern Peninsula/Viking Trail Series and I thank them for that. I still have quite a few photos to share from that area.

If you haven't been checking the extra images I put up on my Blog, you can now view them all on my web site Galleries. I've uploaded a few new ones since starting this series:

Goose Cove


Flower's Cove

Parson's Pond

St. Anthony
St. Lunaire-Griquet

The Arches

Woody Point

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Green Point Light

Green Point Light This little light is near Hibbs Cove on the Port de Grave Peninsula. I have been there twice but there haven't been ma...