Thursday, May 31, 2012

Icebergs 12

Icebergs 12

So far only two people on my list have taken advantage of the 1/2 price offer on my Iceberg DVD. If you visit the link below there is a link to but do not try to order it from there. That site crashed a while back and it is in the process of being rebuilt. If you wish to order, you'll have to contact me by email. Thanks.

After three weeks of melting, the iceberg that had grounded near Spaniard's Bay certainly changed in shape and size. The texture of the ice also changed quite a bit and is evident in the photos I've uploaded to my Blog this morning.

I am not sure if you are all aware, but in 2005 my son, Mark and I created a DVD entitled Icebergs. You can find more information at:
SPECIAL: The regular price for this DVD is $24.95 + s & h, but during this Iceberg Series you can purchase it at 50% off - That's just $12.95 + s & h.  
 Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Icebergs 11

Icebergs 11

Yesterday, another 10 people voted to continue the Iceberg Series - making the vote 31/32 (97%). Thanks everyone. I've chosen another 50 images of the same iceberg that I photographed in Conception Bay in 2003. Today's photos were taken three weeks after those I've been sharing for the past few days. You may not even recognize the iceberg because it changed so much over that period of time. As well, between the two photo shoots I purchased a new camera - Canon 10D, my first digital DSLR. The quality of the photos taken with this camera are muvh higher quality.

As you view the images (and ten uploaded to my Blog) you will see that the shape and texture of the ice is different and the iceberg has broken into three smaller, but still quite large, icebergs.

Since starting this series, quite a few new people have subscribed to my Photo of the Day. Most of them were referred by friends who already receive my daily photos. (Thanks for the referrals). If you think your family and friends might enjoy my daily photos, feel free to forward this email to them and tell them all they have to do is click this link to be added: I accept your invitation to join the Photo of the Day List

I am not sure if you are all aware, but in 2005 my son, Mark and I created a DVD entitled Icebergs. You can find more information at:
SPECIAL: The regular price for this DVD is $24.95 + s & h, but during this Iceberg Series you can purchase it at 50% off - That's just $12.95 + s & h.  

 Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Icebergs 10

Icebergs 10

One person on my Photo of the Day list (that I know of) was born in Carbonear so this morning I chose a few photos of icebergs photographed in Carbonear Harbour in 2003.  The last two were taken in Freshwater, the next community.  The iceberg in the last photo broke apart as I watched.  The photo immediately above is the same berg taken a few minutes before.  Someone asked if it was dangerous to be close to the icebergs and the answer is YES.  People have been killed because they were too close when a berg broke apart or rolled over.

So far I have received 22 responses to yesterday's survey on whether or not I should continue the Icebergs Series for another few days. Out of the responses, 21 (96%) would like for me to continue. As a result, I'll run it for another few days - maybe 5 or 6. Thanks for your input!

I am not sure if you are all aware, but in 2005 my son, Mark and I created a DVD entitled Icebergs. You can find more information at:
SPECIAL: The regular price for this DVD is $24.95 + s & h, but during this Iceberg Series you can purchase it at 50% off - That's just $12.95 + s & h.
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Icebergs 9

Icebergs 9

Today I have chosen photos of icebergs with boats in each scene. When boats are near an iceberg it gives the viewer an idea of the size because there is something to compare. Otherwise it is hard to tell how big the iceberg really is.

I am thinking about ending this series tomorrow, but I still have LOTS of iceberg images to share. I am going to give you a chance to vote on whether or not to continue the Iceberg Series for a little longer. Just click on your choice below.

I am not sure if you are all aware, but in 2005 my son, Mark and I created a DVD entitled Icebergs. You can find more information at:
SPECIAL: The regular price for this DVD is $24.95 + s & h, but during this Iceberg Series you can purchase it at 50% off - That's just $12.95 + s & h.  
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Icebergs 8

Icebergs 8

Yesterday a gentleman from the USA asked what they did with the ice once it was collected. As a result I am sharing a few photos showing how the "ice fishermen" used nets to carry pieces of iceberg to the larger boat, where it was hoisted aboard and put in the hold, or, if it was too big, placed on the deck. When the boat was full of ice, it headed back to port where the ice was broken into smaller pieces, placed in barrels, then allowed to melt. Once filtered, the water is pure - free of pollutants and chemicals.

The water is carried to a distillery where they make Iceberg Rum and Iceberg Vodka. Another company makes a premium Iceberg Beer (nearly $18 for a 6 pack), and others make wines from the 10,000 year old water. I've tasted the Iceberg Beer and Iceberg Rum, and they are really good.

I've also had a few large chunks of iceberg ice in my deep freeze and used it for drinking water and ice cubes for drinks. The water is the best I have ever tasted.

I am not sure if you are all aware, but in 2005 my son, Mark and I created a DVD entitled Icebergs. You can find more information at:
SPECIAL: The regular price for this DVD is $24.95 + s & h, but during this Iceberg Series you can purchase it at 50% off - That's just $12.95 + s & h.  

 Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Lower Lance Cove

Lower Lance Cove This morning, I finished updating my Lower Lance Cove Facebook Album. You will find photos from the winter of 2004 and the ...