Sunday, June 30, 2013

Epcot 10

Epcot 10

I saw a man and his wife walking towards us and both of them were wearing American Flag shirts.  Quite patriotic!

Another couple were having a nap in a shaded area.  At first I thought they were using cell phones, but soon realized they were asleep.  I made a quick photo before moving on.

We were hurrying now because we didn't want to miss the time for our Fastpass to Soarin'.  However, I did make a few quick photos of the landscaping with floating flower baskets in the pond.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Epcot 9

Epcot 9

The British pavilion was laid out a little differently and, because we had to walk through it, I photographed more buildings than in most of the others.  As well, when we saw people with fish & chips, we were sorry we had already eaten because it looked really good.

The lady in white was signing autographs and several people were lined up to have their photos taken with her.  Someone said it was supposed to be Mary Poppins, but I am not sure of that.  She represented a Disney character and the kids were speaking to her like she was a real person.  Imagine a job where you have to be in character and nice to everybody all day long, no matter what is going on in your own life.  This particular person was excellent!  She took time to speak with the kids, sign autographs and pose with each one.

Though our time was running short because we had to be back to see Soarin' at a certain time, I made several photos of this area as we walked through it.  

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

Friday, June 28, 2013

Epcot 8

Epcot 8

We ate at the French Pavilion in the World Showcase area of Epcot.  There was a "fancy" restaurant, but it was full so we chose to eat in the less fancy, and less expensive, restaurant. 

The restaurant was very crowded, but after asking several people, I was lucky to get two chairs to bring back to a small table for two.  While we were eating the people next to us left and two young women with babies stopped and started to put their stuff on the empty table.  At that moment an older woman came and also stood by the table.   One of the younger women said that they had been there first, but the older woman said that she had seen it from the doorway before they stopped. She then sat down, alone, at a table for 6 and refused to get up.  My wife and I were amazed that someone could be so rude - the woman took the table from two families with children who were obviously there first.  We were going to offer the families our table, but it was too small for them.  Luckily the young families did manage to find another table a few minutes later.  I am sure they have a bad memory of a selfish senior citizen who took their table at a French restaurant in Epcot.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

St. Kitts

St. Kitts One of our cruise destinations during a Caribbean cruise in March 2012 was St. Kitts. My wife and I decided not to do a tour and d...