Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Many people do not like dandelions and I know a few people who HATE them. I have never understood the reason why they are not liked - they are a beautiful colour and have interesting shapes and textures depending on the weather and the time of day. I like dandelions and always have. Every year I take more photos of them - not because they are different, but because they are usually the first colour in my yard after the winter. I have eaten the leaves and made jelly from the petals and both are delicious!

They are nearly done for this year and, even though I checked daily, there were few insects on them this year!

If you are interested, I have 3 albums of dandelion photos:

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You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook:

Monday, May 30, 2022

Holyrood - Boats

Holyrood - Boats

This morning I finished adding to my Holyrood - Boats 2 album and, if interested, you can view photos of boats I took in the harbour since moving here in 1982. I will add links to both albums below. Since we are living near the ocean, one would expect quite a few boats. We have 2 marinas in the town and there are many pleasure boats here as well as fishing boats. The first album was created before I started my Holyrood Page and the images are fairly small. I have been updating my Boats albums with larger images.

You can find both albums here:

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Gower Street United

Gower Street United

On Thursday, I was waiting for a friend by the Gower Street United Church in St. John's. I used my phone to take a few photos of the outside of this beautiful building. I created an album featuring those photos as well as a few from inside the building, especially the beautiful stained glass windows.

You can follow the album here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.439185121544392&type=3

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Black and White

I often convert colour images to black and white because it gives the photos a different "feeling" or mood. I have 5 albums featuring black and white photos. Many were shot originally on b & w film, but many are also converted. The photos shared on my Blog today are from a performance of one act of Steps Through Time, a pageant that the town of Brigus used to perform weekly back in the 90s.

I have added links to the black and white albums below.  Note: The photos in more recent albums are larger.


Friday, May 27, 2022


Since I am updating my Boats Albums, I decided to update my Ships Albums as well. The new photos I am adding are larger images and show a variety of ships I have photographed. Many are from the land, but there are several taken while I was in a boat.

I am adding to my second album presently. You can find links to both albums below:

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White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...