Monday, May 31, 2021



Cavendish is a small town located in Trinity Bay South.  The colourful little sheds are an attraction in the town and many people have photographed them.  In recent years, people are painting houses and outbuildings with very bright colours.  

If you are interested, I have an album of Colourful buildings in Newfoundland here -

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Wreck Cove

Wreck Cove

The scenery on the Connaigre Peninsula on the south coast of the island is absolutely amazing.  Today, I am sharing a few photos from the Wreck Cove area and I am sure you will agree that it is beautiful.  The mountains are so photogenic.

You can view my photos of Wreck Cove here -

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My ancestors came from Salvage and Burnside areas.  Last week I photographed the town of Salvage.  It was such a calm and beautiful morning!  

You can view the photos here -

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Friday, May 28, 2021

Dildo, Newfoundland

I am happy to announce that my second book of photographs has been released by Flanker Press in St. John's.  The book has photos dating back to the 1980s, but most are recent and highlight the colourful town since the world-wide publicity that was generated by Jimmy Kimmel in Hollywood.  He decided to run for mayor and was pronounced the Honorary Mayor of Doldo and his first duty was to proclaim Hollywood California and Dildo, Newfoundland to be sister cities!

Since then, the little town of Dildo has become a tourist destination ad for those of you who can't visit in person, this book will bring the town to you!

It is available online -, or you can check with your local bookseller.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021



In late Fall, Winter and early Spring I often have bonfires.  There is always something to burn when you live in the forest.  There is something relaxing about sitting near a bonfire in the middle of winter.  Since moving to Holyrood 40 years ago, I have had hundreds of fires and have burned a lot of dead trees and brush.  It is too late for a fire this time of the year, but I usually save scraps of wood and dead trees and branches until late fall!

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I hate to bring this up again, but I can't figure out why do people throw garbage from their vehicles.  We live in a fairly pristine province, yet the ditches are strewn with garbage.  To be honest, the mess is disgusting!  

If you are reading this and you are one of the people who do throw stuff from vehicles, please stop.  Just bring your garbage home and dispose of it there.  It is so simple!

I was on the Connaigre Peninsula last week and was pleased that there was very little garbage on the sides of roads.  I mentioned it to someone and he didn't even realize that their roadways are cleaner than most in the province.  Good for the people on the south coast!

I look forward to the day that I can walk around Holyrood and not see any garbage on the roads.

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White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...