Monday, January 31, 2011

Rattling Brook - 1973

Today's photos were taken in Rattling Brook, Green Bay in 1973, less than 3 years after I purchased my first 35 mm camera. My first teaching assignment was in King's Point and students from Rattling Brook, the next town also attended the school. I often drove to Rattling Brook to make photographs.

The first photo was taken on a cold morning in mid-winter. The last two photos were taken from the top of the hills in the background. A couple of Grade 8 students took me up there with the purpose of making photographs. It was quite a hike up the side of the mountain, but the view was certainly worth it and reminded me of aerial views from a helicopter.

While reviewing the slides I made while up there, I realized that I had only taken a few photos. Too bad I didn't have a digital camera in those days.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tilting - 1984 - 6

This will be the last in the Tilting (1984) series. Thanks for all the comments on this series. Today's photos show a little more of the town as it looked back then.

I have said a couple of times since starting this series that I will have to return to Tilting and photograph the community again. Tilting is now a Registered Heritage District and many of the old fishing stages have been restored. From the photos sent to me, I can see that some of the old picket fences are still there which would also make great photographic subjects.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tilting - 1984 - 5

Again today I would like to share a comment from a member of this list:

I had an e-mail from my friend who told me that in your first picture of today's photos, she noticed her uncle Dan Greene's boat, he is an elderly gentleman now and not well. The photos brought back memories for her. ... Just a few great photos do spark a lively conversation among people, don't they?

That comment shows the power of a photograph. I just happened to make a photo during a trip to Tilting twenty-six years ago and the image is now evoking memories in people I do not know. The memories the images bring back to me are different than those who live(d) in the small Fogo Island village. For me it is the sights, sounds and the things I chose to photograph, but residents can identify boats, stages, or houses and how they have changed over the years. The photos also bring back memories of their lives in the community many years ago.

I like the first photo because of the old picket fence built along the side of a rocky outcrop that overlooks the harbour. I liked the peaceful scene in the second photo - the clear blue sky, predominantly white houses, and boats in the harbour.

In the third image, a man walked into the scene as I stood on a fish flake looking towards a number of fishing stages. Until I scanned this photograph, I didn't remember photographing any people that morning. Maybe someone can identify him based on the location and date (Summer 1984). I looked closer at the person and I think he was probably in his twenties in 1984, which would make him in his fifties now.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tilting - 1984 - 4

Tilting - 1984 - 4

Thanks to the people who have been commenting on the photos of Tilting. As well, thanks for sending more photos of modern-day Tilting. Here is a comment I received yesterday:

I sent your photos to a couple friends who are originally from Tilting, and they loved the photos very much ! one girlfriend told me her father had a horse, she and her siblings enjoyed rides on the sleigh.. these bring back memories.....I like the old picket fences... thanks so much for the Tilting photos....

This morning I chose to share a few wide views of the harbour to let you see what the town looked like 26 years ago. You can see that the harbour is very rocky. The second photo shows a boat and an old picket fence in the foreground.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tilting - 1984 - 3

Below is a comment from a person who saw yesterday's photos of Tilting. Several of my questions have been answered and it looks like the town is restoring the old fishing stages. I will have to go back there soon.

My husband is originally from Tilting and could tell me who owned the houses you posted so far and I will ask him who owns the stages. Most, if not all of the stages have been restored as Tilting is now a "National Historic site" You would see a big difference if you visited again. The small white house in your top photo today was his parents house-- Philip & Mary Ellen Foley-- (they owned a larger house but sold it when they moved to Grand Falls to live but kept the smaller one for a summer home) The smaller house was a large two story house at one time and was owned by Philips grandfather but they cut it down and make it smaller, We still own the little house.

I mentioned that interesting fences and animals were among the interesting photographic subjects I found in Tilting. You can see that most fences are made from small trees or twigs. The first two photos show animals inside a fence with a fairly large hole through which the sheep could easily escape. A few of the sheep and horses were up and about at that early hour but many were still resting. I suspect there aren't as many horses around these days, but according to the photos sent by another person on the my list, there are still plenty of sheep.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Tilting - 1984 - 2

Thanks for the comments on the "historical" photos of Tilting, Fogo Island, especially one person who sent several photos taken in 2004. It was interesting to see the community 20 years after these images were made.

When I visited Tilting in 1984 I stayed with a friend and warned him that I get up early and will sneak out of the house with my camera. By 6:00 AM the next morning I was walking around the town making photographs. The sounds of dogs barking, roosters crowing, and boats heading out to the fishing grounds dominated the soundscape at that early hour. I photographed as many fishing stages as I could knowing that it would be a long time before I returned to this community.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tilting - 1984

When I visited Tilting, a small town on Fogo Island, in 1984, it was like walking into the past. Lots of traditional houses with yards bordered by wooden picket fences, many chickens, roosters, horses and sheep and numerous fishing stages and boats. It was a photographer's paradise back then. I haven't been back there since so I don't know how much it has changed, though I assume it is a lot.

You can see a few houses and fences in the photos I am sharing this morning. Over the next couple of days I will share other photos of Tilting.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Trouty - 1982

During Hurricane Igor the Town of Trouty was all but wiped out by the raging water running through the community. Today's photos, taken in the summer of 1982 , show a peaceful village with a small river running through it.

The first photo shows my son Mark walking along a small path that led to the house that was closest to the ocean. In the second photo you can see a narrowing of the river and can probably imagine how much water flowed through there after 240 mm (8 inches) fell in the area in less than 24 hours. Roads and bridges were washed away as well.

I spoke to a friend who had been out that way soon after the hurricane who said that all the buildings along the river were destroyed, but I have not seen the town since then so I can not verify it for you. In any event, today's photos certainly show a different community than stands there today compared to 30 years ago.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Upper Island Cove - 1982

This morning I chose to share photos of Upper Island Cove, Conception Bay that were taken in 1982 during my first visit to that community.

I liked the boats moored in the calm water just off shore. You may wonder why I composed the photo with boat so close to the edge of the image. I could have moved the camera to the right a little, but I didn't like the wharf in the scene. In fact, in order to have the entire boat in the image, I still had to include part of the wharf. It is an odd composition, but there is something about it that I still like.

I saw a young man leaning on the fence on a nearby cliff. I was shooting into the sun so I knew the lighting would be tricky and the resulting photo would be pretty dark. I was right, but I still liked the composition when I got my slides back 2-3 week later. Now wehn I look at the photo, I wonder why the person decided to walk to the edge of the cliff and look out? I can think of lots of reasons, but none of them may be right.

I drove past a fairly large vegetable garden on the top of a steep cliff overlooking the area I had just come from. It looks like the farmer would have had a decent harvest in 1982. When I was a kid in the 50s and 60s, nearly everyone, especially in rural communities, had vegetable gardens. My grandparents in both Grand Falls and Winterton, had small plots of ground in which they grew potatoes, beets, carrots and/or cabbage. I still see vegetable plots quite often all around Newfoundland and Labrador.

I have more recent photos of Upper Island Cove on line at:

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter Scenes 2

Thanks for the positive comments regarding the winter photos yesterday. Today, I chose more winter photos from Leeches Brook (Thunder Falls). Second Falls is probably the most popular swimming hole of the four or more located on this river. As you can see, in Winter, the large waterfall freezes into huge icicles . I was a little nervous walking any closer on snowshoes because I could hear the water running under the ice and didn`t want to fall through.

The second and third photos show the same scene taken during different trips to this river. The large icicles in these photos is not a frozen waterfall, but made from water flowing over the hill, into the river below.

These photographs bring back fond memories for me since I took many snowshoe hikes to Second Falls to make photographs. If you search for Leeches Brook on my Blog, you will find several more images of this scenic and peaceful area.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...