Sunday, December 31, 2023



There are foxes all around this area of the province. I see their tracks in the snow and they have been captured on my trail cam a few times. They are beautiful animals and they are fun to watch. I see red foxes in this area, but I have photographed arctic foxes at the Salmonier Nature Park!

I have 2 Foxes Facebook Albums and I have provided links below.

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Saturday, December 30, 2023

Woodland Caribou

Woodland Caribou

I thought I would share a few photos of caribou that were taken on the southern Avalon Peninsula. There used to be around 6000 animals in the herd, however, in recent years it has been decimated and there are few animals left. The last 3 times I have been down that way, I didn't see any caribou!

Below are links to my recent Caribou Albums:

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Friday, December 29, 2023

Hike to Main Beach Pond

Hike to Main Beach Pond

On December 27, 2023, I decided to hike from my house to Main Beach Pond using the trails behind my house. It was such a beautiful winter day that I decided to photograph the trail along the way. As you can see, it is a perfect hiking trail and, though I have hiked it hundreds of times, it was still interesting to me. My son, nephew, and a friend cleaned up the trail a few years ago and it is a pleasure to walk it now!

You can follow the album here -

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Thursday, December 28, 2023



Kingman's is a tiny community located on the Southern Shore of the Avalon Peninsula along the Irish Loop. I drove through there in September 2023 and my previous visit was in 2002. I plan to share the photos in a new Kingman's Facebook Album that you can follow here -

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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Palm Trees

Palm Trees

I am presently adding photos to my Palm Trees 4 Facebook Album on my Flowers and Trees Page. I really like photographing palm trees, especially during our winter months. I vacationed in SW Florida for 7 winters and spent a couple of weeks in Cuba. As well, there were palm trees in several European locations so I have lots of photos to share.

You can follow this most recent album here -

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Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas in Bonita Springs

Christmas in Bonita Springs

The first year I retired, my wife and I went to Florida for 1 week in December. It was the coldest I have ever felt in Florida and one evening we went to Riverside Park in Bonita Springs for their Christmas Concert. In addition to choirs and musicians, they had Santa as well as a snow slide and a snow garden.  Where did they get snow? From a stadium and they had kids sliding and playing in the snow. I've included a few photos from that night, but you can view the others I took that night here -

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White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...