Friday, September 30, 2011

Burin Peninsula 17

Burin Peninsula 17

Today is the last in the series of photos taken with my Nikon Coolpix P500 during the second day of travel on the Burin Peninsula in mid-July. Since a few of you have been asking for more information about this particular camera, I thought you would enjoy seeing the types images created by using it in a variety of situations.

I liked the objects hanging in the windows of the "fish store" and made photos through three of them. In these examples you can see the outside scene and the objects in the window are silhouetted except for the light coming through the bottles.

The light from the window provided good backlighting which made the blue bottles stand out. The problem was that the window was very bright in the background so I tried three views. These photos illustrate why I take more than one image of a subject that has caught my interest.

The third photo shows a closer view of one of the shelves with a variety of bottles. One is Beef Iron Wine, which I had never heard of before. The golf ball was from Austria and the "stubby" beer bottle had been pulled from the ocean with a type of coral growing on it.

As I said yesterday, I thought you may be interested in seeing part of this private collection of interesting things. I am not sure if they can be classified as antiques, but there were quite a few "old" things there for sure.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Burin Peninsula 16

Burin Peninsula 16

In one of the towns I photographed on the Burin Peninsula a gentleman invited us to look a the antiques in his "fish store". Wikipedia describes a fish store as follows:

... At one end of the flake was built a building that served dual purposes. The construction of the building, called fish store, was of two story construction and had to be large enough to accommodate a season’s voyage of fish on the top level. In the lower section of the fish store was kept the gear that was used for fishing, buoy's, ropes, killicks, grapples and other miscellany items. (Wikipedia)

I was amazed that one person could have accumulated so many items and organized them in much the same way as many community museums. This building is not open to the public and the items inside aren't for sale, but is a person's private collection. For the next two days I will share photos of some of the items because they were taken using the Nikon Coolpix, as were all the photos over the past 5 days. When I was sharing photos of Europe, I said that this camera was excellent for photographs taken inside under fairly dark lighting conditions. Today's photos are good examples.

Since reality shows such as American Pickers and Canadian Pickers are so popular, I figured that you may enjoy seeing some of these photos. Many of the items are from different countries in the world and are not necessarily antiques, but are interesting. We didn't have time to look at everything but enjoyed our conversation with the gentleman as he told us about a few of the items.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Burin Peninsula 15

Burin Peninsula 15

For those of you who were interested in the story behind the blue Volkswagen you can check the following link - sent to me by a member of my Photo of the Day list.

The first photo today shows an interesting door of one of the fishing stages I photographed with the Nikon Coolpix P500 camera. I liked the contrast between the dark brown, white and green. The second shows a large fishing stage that is in poor shape. Notice the door in the top right corner of the building. It looks like an unusual position for a door and reminds me of the position of a window in a stage in Fortune which I shared previously. I've uploaded photos of other buildings that seem to be in a state of disrepair.

I didn't see much wildlife during my two day trip to the Burin Peninsula but when a family of ducks walked across the road as we were making photos of the area, I took a few of them. I also liked the white house with green and red trim with the "mother-in-law" door, as it is affectionately known here in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Burin Peninsula 14

Burin Peninsula 14

The garbage box that was painted like a can of Carnation Milk caught my attention as we drove through one of the small communities on the Burin Peninsula. Years ago my Dad said he was going to get a camera and take pictures of garbage boxes and I encouraged him to do it. Since then I have been photographing garbage boxes that are different, and there are many. This one is up there with the most interesting I've seen.

The other photos this morning show reflections on the still water that morning, and as you can see, there wasn't a ripple, very unusual here in the North Atlantic. As well, a couple of photos of colourful boats made interesting images.

Yesterday a member of this list informed me that the Volkswagen was indeed the same one that was originally on the Trans Canada Highway advertising Jiffy Cabs. Apparently, when forced to remove it, the owner moved it to his home town of Burin.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Burin Peninsula 13

Burin Peninsula 13

I just had to get a photo of the old blue Volkswagen with the word BURIN. At first I thought it was on an island, but when I got closer I could see that it was easy to walk out to it. It reminded me of the car that was used to advertise Jiffy Cabs located on the Trans Canada Highway near Paddy's Pond which the government forced the owners to remove. That one was painted yellow, the same colour as the cabs.

The fishing stage, boats and calm water made an idyllic scene. You can see hoe still the water was when you look at the photo of the yellow dory and its reflection. Iv'e uploaded photos of another boat as well as a few colourful buildings to my Blog today.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Burin Peninsula 12

Burin Peninsula 12

A couple of people asked about Picasa and how difficult it was to use the I'm Feeling Lucky tool so I am using a few more examples this morning. The first photo shows an original image and the second shows the same photo after pressing the I'm Feeling Lucky button. This doesn't work with all photos, but since it only takes a second to try it, I often just check to see if there is an improvement. Since foggy photos don't have a lot of contrast, this tool adds enough to bring out more detail. In this example, and 4 others I've uploaded to my Blog, the sky is brightened a lot, but the rest of the image has much more detail. Picasa is a free program produced by Google and downloads in a minute or so. If you don't have a photo editing program, this is a good program and the price is right!

I didn't use it for the third photo because there was already enough contrast. I really liked the colourful houses and the reflections on the still water in the harbour. I've uploaded another view of this scene to my Blog as well.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Lower Lance Cove

Lower Lance Cove This morning, I finished updating my Lower Lance Cove Facebook Album. You will find photos from the winter of 2004 and the ...