Tuesday, September 30, 2008

W - Winter Windows

I realized, once I started choosing photos of window, that I have so many that I could easily send hundreds of images. Instead, I narrowed it down to a few Winter Windows.

The first two were taken in Little Catalina and I just zoomed back to include more of the building. The third was taken in New Harbour and I liked the reds and whites in the photo.

I also uploaded a few more photos of Windows to my Blog.- Photo of the Day Blog.

Feel free to check my Windows Gallery on line at: http://www.lanephotography.com/windows_doors/windows.htm

Monday, September 29, 2008

V - Vancouver

I visited Vancouver back in March 2003. When I arrived it was 10°C and sunny, flowers were growing around the city and I saw a person mowing a lawn. The weather was certainly much different than the weather back home in Newfoundland and Labrador.

I used to walk in the mornings before our meetings began and managed to capture many photos of the city in the 4 days I spent in the west coast city. Again, the sights and sounds of the city are much different than where I live in Holyrood.

I also uploaded a few more photos of Vancouver to my Blog.-
Photo of the Day Blog.

I also have several Vancouver Galleries on line at:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

U - Uniforms

Finding photographic subjects beginning with the letter "U" was a challenge but when I saw my images of soldiers and RCMP, uniforms seemed like a good subject. However, I wanted to choose photos in which people are unidentifiable.

I changed the top portion of the first photo to make it transparent and added the word Uniforms. Because of the uniformity in the image, I decided to create a "shadow" of the word and place it under the first. I used the same words in the second image, but cropped out the soldier's face.

The second photo is a cropped photograph of a RCMP Parade taken of a large, life-size mirror. I left part of the wall on the left of the photo to let you see the height of the mirror. The fourth photo shows many RCMP Uniforms as well as those from other police forces.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

T - Triton

Triton is a small community located in scenic Green Bay. The photos I am sharing today were taken in July 2003 on a beautiful and calm summer day.
You will notice a wooden structure built over the wharf in the first image. I am not sure what it is used for, because I had never seen one previously. I wondered if it could be used for drying nets or fish.

The second photo, showing a wide view of the harbour lined with houses, was taken from the head of the wharf looking back towards the town.

The third photo shows the same scene from the next wharf. You can see the wooden structure on the other wharf, this time from a different angle. Placing the lobster pots and boats in the foreground added depth to the final image.

Friday, September 26, 2008

S - Salmon Cove Sand

Salmon Cove Sands is a long sandy beach located in the town of Salmon Cove, Conception Bay. I visit the area at least once every year and enjoy my visits there despite the weather or season.
The three photos today show wind and water action on the sand. I like this type of abstract photo because of the shapes and textures formed.

I also uploaded a few more photos to my Blog. Photo of the Day Blog and have 15 more in my Salmon Cove Gallery at: http://www.lanephotography.com/cbn/salmon_cove/salmon_cove.htm

Thursday, September 25, 2008

R - River

I photograph rivers wherever I go, especially if there are waterfalls and/or rapids. The river in today's photos is located in Holyrood and I have photographed it many times in all seasons.
The first photo was taken as I approached the small waterfall. I shot both vertical and horizontal views. The second is a closer view. To achieve the effect of "movement" I lowered my shutter speed to 1/15 second and the ISO to 100. The camera chose f32 as the aperture. Even though I didn't use a tripod, the rest of the photo is in focus. I recommend a tripod to make this type of image.

I have uploaded 4 photos to my Blog - http://kbrucelane.blogspot.com/ and there are other images of rivers among the 760 posts there.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Q - Quidi Vidi

I don't have a many photographic subjects that begin with the letter Q, but Quidi Vidi Village is a good one. When I went back to Memorial University to work on my master's degree in 1981, I lived fairly close to Quidi Vidi and photographed it often. In fact, back then the residents of the community protested the building of row housing. Their slogan was "Save Historic Quidi Vidi" and I have photos of the protests in my slide files. Needless to say, the residents lost and many houses have been built there since.

There are other images on this Blog taken in this scenic village in the east end of St. John's. Just search for Quidi Vidi. The images show icebergs around the area.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

P - Partridge Berries

This is the time of year that many people in Newfoundland and Labrador pick partridge berries. These little red berries make excellent desserts including: jams, tarts, muffins and pies. To be honest, I haven't picked partridge berries in my life; mainly because I have never found a patch that was worth picking.

Today's photographs were taken last September during a hike in the woods behind my house. There are 9 additional photos on my Partridge Berries Gallery at:

Monday, September 22, 2008

O - Osprey

In recent years, I see a lot of osprey (fish hawks) around Newfoundland and Labrador. I have taken some great photos of osprey in Florida, Nova Scotia and here on the island of Newfoundland.

In the first photo today, there were 4 birds in the nest (1 adult and 3 young ones) and they were really conscious that I was there. In the second two photos you can see an osprey flying overhead, then it folded its wings and dropped quickly towards the water.

There are 18 additional photos on my updated Osprey Gallery at: http://lanephotography.com/birds/osprey/osprey.htm

Sunday, September 21, 2008

N - Northern Lights

During my only visit to Battle Harbour in 2004, I stayed up until 3 am photographing the northern lights , also known as the aurora borealis. It was the first time I'd seen such a brilliant display.

After experimenting, Mark (my son who also likes photography) and I decided that 20 second exposures with aperture automatically setting at f 4.5 with an ISO of 800 would give decent results. The long exposure time enabled us to capture the "motion" of the northern lights. The reddish-purple glow above the church in the first two photos and the greenish streaks in the third image show the motion in a 20 second time frame. Of course all photos were shot using a tripod.

Battle Harbour was a fantastic place to watch (and photograph) the northern lights because it is an island off Labrador with a totally dark sky.

There are 18 additional photos on my Northern Lights Gallery at:
http://lanephotography.com/northern_lights/northern_lights.htm .

If you are interested in seeing photos of the church, go to my Blog
http://kbrucelane.blogspot.com/ and search for James. There is a video of St. James's Church in the post from September 29, 2007.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

M - Memorial United Church

A few years ago I visited Memorial United Church, Grand Falls-Windsor to attend a relative's funeral. I went to the church early to photograph the inside of the building as well as the stained glass windows. I used a tripod to take most of the photos without a flash.

There are 17 additional photos on my Memorial United Church Gallery at:

Friday, September 19, 2008

L - L'Anse aux Meadows

I haven't shared photos of L'Anse aux Meadows for a while. This morning I am sharing three photos of a loom that was in the Viking longhouse when I visited there in 2004. I liked the colours, shapes and textures in the close view. I don't like the second image as well and you should see that moving the camera just a little, makes a totally different photo. The third one shows the setting; one room of the longhouse with many artifacts. In this image, the loom is no longer the main subject.

By moving in closer and changing angles, photographers force viewers to look at a subject from a particular point of view. Ask yourselves which of the first three photos you like most and why. :)

The third and fourth images images were also taken inside the Viking longhouse. The helmet has no horns, which is authentic. Even though many movies and graphics show horns on Viking helmets, but they didn't exist. One of the "Vikings" was carving a piece of wood and I took several photos of him working. The last photo shows the style of fence and boat used by Vikings over when they lived here 1000 years ago.

There are additional photos on my updated L'Anse aux Meadows Gallery at: http://lanephotography.com/lance%20aux%20meadows/lance%20aux%20meadows%20introduction.htm

White Ibis

White Ibis Today, I started sharing more photos of White Ibis in my NEW White Ibis 3 Facebook Album. I have provided links to the 3 albums b...