Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Another theme I have been enjoying shooting for years is Hands. All of today's images were scanned from slides and converted to black and white later.

It was thirty-five years ago when I photographed my oldest son's tiny hands on his first day home. I used a close-up lens which gave the whole photo a soft focus effect except for the tips of his fingers and his thumb. I have always liked this image.

I was photographing a historic home in Harbour Grace when the owner came out and invited me inside. After a tour of the old stone home, she offered me a cup of tea. and I made a few photos of her hands holding a china cup as we sat in her back yard.

A fisherman repairing a net in Point Leamington caught my attention and I stopped to make a few photos of him. Today's photo, taken in the mid-seventies shows his hands as he worked.

My second son was riding his toy horse and one of the photos I took of him was his hands as he held on. The last photo was taken in a school gym and was taken for a slide show I was producing in the early 80s. The purpose was to show good sportsmanship in school sports and physical education activities.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Monday, November 29, 2010


This morning I decided to share a few photos of Doors, a theme I have been shooting for years. I have shared many photos of doors over the past seven years and many of them can be viewed by searching my Blog - Photo of the Day Blog.

The first door is fairly modern and looks nice with the fresh red-painted siding. The second and third are a much older style that looks like a folding door of some sort. Each of them also has a small window. The fourth image shows another fairly modern door and the last image this morning shows a nice building with a black door and interesting windows.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

People near the Sea 5

This will be the last in my People near the Sea Series for a while. I will probably return to this theme again in the future because I still have lots to share.

Today's images were taken on beaches during my travels to Massachusetts, Hawaii and Florida. The first photo was taken on a beach near Gloucester, Cape Anne. I was in Boston on business for a few days and travelled around the area when my meetings were finished. The beach was very long and many people were swimming in the ocean, which rarely gets above 15°C (65°F). Of course that is a lot warmer than the ocean around Newfoundland and Labrador.

The young lady sunbathing on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii was the only person visible on the entire beach as the sun rose my first morning there in 1980. Like me, she may have been a visitor whose internal clock was off because of the difference in time zones. I believe it was 7.5 hours difference between Hawaii and Newfoundland and Labrador and I was up very early.

The beach in Bonita Springs, Florida was very busy and I stopped to photograph a family building a sand castle, a common sight on beaches I have visited over the years. The next two photos were also taken in Florida. I couldn't resist taking photos of people walking on the beach on a foggy day. Usually you won't see many people strolling on a beach on a foggy day here in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

People near the Sea 4

I decided to share more photos of people at Cape St. Mary's to let you see what the area is like. In response to yesterday's images, one person stated that this would not be a place for people who don't like heights and I would have to agree. Another person had visited the Cape but wasn't physically able to walk to the nesting site and thanked me for showing what it looked like.

The first photo shows a photographer standing near the edge of the cliff taking photos of the birds. The two people in the second image are standing a little further back, but are still in a good position to get decent photos, The third photo shows a group of people admiring the scenery. If you look at the person nearest the edge you will see a flat rock near his/her feet. That is where I usually sit when trying to capture birds in flight.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Friday, November 26, 2010

People near the Sea 3

Today's photos were taken at Cape St. Mary's Seabird sanctuary which is located on the southwest tip of the Avalon Peninsula. If you have never visited this world-class destination, put it on your Things To Do list because you won't be disappointed. Just check the weather before you go there because it can be quite foggy. Once, I made the 2 hour drive from my home only to find that it was so foggy I could hardly see the northern gannets flying all around me.

After a 10 minute walk from the parking lot to Bird Rock, you will be able to photograph northern gannets from the edge of a cliff that overlooks the their nesting sites. (See the third photo.) The day I made these photos, a large group of people (probably a bus tour) showed up just as I was leaving. Instead of following the trail back to the parking lot, I made my way across the cliffs in the opposite direction to capture the people on the cliff overlooking Bird Rock.

As you can see from today's photos, the scenery around Cape St. Mary's is absolutely breathtaking and the proximity to the northern gannet nesting site is a photographer's dream. I have been there several times and never tire of photographing the steep cliffs, northern gannets, common murres, kittiwakes, sheep, wildflowers and the lighthouse. During one visit I watched whales feeding just offshore as the gannets dove bullet-like into the sea around them. It was a beautiful sight that I will never forget; unfortunately it was a little too far away to photograph.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

People and the Sea 2

The guy in the first photo this morning was tring to capture an image of the sea with trees in the foreground. I was a little nervous because the cliff he was on was pretty steep and he could have been hurt if he had slipped. It was taken near the Dungeon, a provincial scenic site near Bonavista. The second photo was taken in the same area. I saw a couple walking along the barren land and waited for them to pass by the area where sea stacks were visible in the background.

The third image was taken on Bonita Beach in Florida a couple of years ago. It was a windy day and pelicans were diving for fish among the people who were swimming in the warm water. The second version was taken less than a second later.

I captured another photographer making images on Salmon Cove Beach in Conception Bay. As you can see it was a calm day and great for photography!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

People near the Sea 1

The harbour in Chapel's Cove, Conception Bay was very calm the day I was there and capelin were spawning on the beach. A fishermen using a small seine net was trying his skill at throwing it in the middle of a small school of capelin. He was successful and caught quite a few. Traditionally, when a person with such a net is on the beach, he shares his catch with anyone who wants some of these small fish.

When I was a kid, I swam in the ocean every summer and don't remember it being "freezing". One day a few years ago I ran into the ocean and dived under, but was out as quickly as I went in. I didn't stay in the water long enough to adjust to the cold. The temperature of the ocean around here in late summer is around 10°C (50°F), a bit too cool for me at my age.

Imagine getting doused with icy water on a hot summer day. That's what's happening as the young people in the third photo as a wave breaks on the rocks behind them. The photographer in the last image is taking a chance on ruining her camera with salt water. I walked by the same spot but had my camera safely stored in my camera bag.

All Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This will be the last in the Seascape Series, however, for the next few days I plan to share photographs of People near the Sea, a related theme. Recently I received an email from a person in the USA who said there seemed to be a lack of photographs on the Internet that show people in Newfoundland and Labrador. I shoot many candid photographs of people going about their daily activities and will share a few of these.

Today's photos were taken along Marine Drive, a scenic drive through several communities on the Northeast Avalon. The first photo was taken in Flatrock, a place I have photographed numerous times. The town gets its name from the sedimentary rocks that surround the town.

Logy Bay is another place I have photographed numerous times because of the steep cliffs and rough seas. Quite often, icebergs end up in this bay which adds a different element to the photographs.

The third photo was taken in Middle Cove. In fact, I photograph the waves crashing against the cliffs every time I go there,

I still have many seascape photos and I will return to this theme from time to time. If you want to see more, feel free to check my Seascapes Galleries at: http://www.lanephotography.com/seascapes/seascapes.htm

All Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs andphotographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide showsand/orwallpapers/scree

Monday, November 22, 2010

Seascapes 9

In 1982 I took a ride on a sailboat and was amazed at how quiet it was - just the sound of the wind flapping the sails - and how well they could steer, even when going into the wind. I still make photos of sailboats every chance I get and the first image this morning is one of them.

The second image was taken in Little Catalina on a beautiful calm day a few years ago. I heard that Hurricane Igor destroyed some of the old stages in this scenic town but I am not sure if this was one of them.

Cape Spear is a great place to photograph seascapes in any season. In winter, be prepared for cold winds and lots of spray from the ocean.

All Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows and/orwallpapers/screensavers.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Seascapes 8

I have just looked back at the seascape images that I have shared over the past 7 days and realized that even though the 35 images uploaded to my Blog are on the same theme, there are a variety of images that show the sea as calm and peaceful, or rough and destructive.

All of today's photos were taken in Elliston, Trinity Bay around noon, the worse time of the day to be making photographs. This scenic community is about 3 hours drive from my home and even if I leave early to go to this area, it is nearly mid-day by the time I arrive. However, despite the time of day, I did manage to make some good seascape photos while there.

You can see how the ocean has sculpted the cliffs in this area leaving steep rock faces and many sea stacks and islands, all of which make great photographic subjects.

All Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows and/orwallpapers/screensavers.

St. Kitts

St. Kitts One of our cruise destinations during a Caribbean cruise in March 2012 was St. Kitts. My wife and I decided not to do a tour and d...