Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Civitavecchia, Italy 7

 Civitavecchia, Italy 7

This is the last of my Civitavecchia Series. Tomorrow I plan to begin photos taken in Sorrento, Italy.

As you already know, the theme of my Photo of the Day is EVERYTHING'S A PICTURE and all the photos I've shared over the past 9 years reflect this theme. Some people have wondered why I show so many images of similar scenes. When you are looking for photographs, you are looking at your surroundings for a scene that catches your attention and that you want to share with others.  I have fourty-three years experience making photos and still enjoy discovering new things through the viewfinder of my camera. And, obviously, I enjoy sharing my photos with others.

A high percentage of the 750 people on my email lists are photographers who like it when I provide hints and lessons about photography. By viewing the photos I take, whether in my back yard or in exotic locations, you should get an idea of the process of making a photograph. First you have to "see" your subject and decide how you feel about it. Then you have to compose the image and capture it. I usually try different angles and make more than one image of most subjects.

For example, the first two photos show an empty side street in Civitavecchia. This was so unusual - most streets were crowded and it was difficult to take a picture. I was happy to see an empty street and made a few photos. The third and fourth images show crowded streets with tables and chairs. I mentioned before that I photographed the little cafes everywhere I saw them. I saw a cat having a nap and stopped to photograph it. Even though I was fairly close, it didn't wake. I photographed several cats on my most recent trip, especially in Greece and Turkey where there seemed to be LOTS of them.


Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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