Sunday, December 02, 2012

Civitavecchia, Italy 4

Civitavecchia, Italy 4

To be honest, we walked around for nearly three hours, then headed back to the ship because it started to rain a little. After lunch, I looked out to find that the rain had stopped so I went ashore again to make a few more photos. Unfortunately it was still very overcast and threatening to rain. I decided to walk along the beach, then come back through the streets of this Italian community.

The three photos I am sharing in my email version of my Photo of the Day show candid images of people going about their business. I saw an older nun and another woman, who looked like her sister, walking along the street. I saw many nuns in Europe dressed in habits that show their particular orders. I made photos of a few even though I have no idea of what type of nuns they are.

Last year one person on this list asked how they delivered goods to stores along the narrow streets. You can see the small red truck in the second image. I photographed several different models of tiny trucks during my most recent trip. I will share those photos as as I come across them.

The tall statue of a navy seaman kissing a young nurse really stood out and I stopped to make a few photos. I am not sure what the purpose of this large installation is, but it reminds me of a famous photo of a soldier kissing a young woman after returning home from World War II.


Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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