Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Venice People 1

 Venice People 1

For the next three days I plan to share some of the People photos I took in Venice. While walking around San Marcos Square just as it was getting dark, I saw a young bride posing for photos near the large bell tower. I quickly took a couple of photos of her before she moved. Imagine being married in Venice, one of the most romantic cities in Europe!

In the square there were three groups of musicians entertaining the people eating in the outside cafes. Of course, everyone in the square could watch and listen to them as well. I was hoping to hear some of Vivaldi's music since he was from Venice, but I didn't hear any while I was there.

The couple kissing were standing on a platform that was nearly 3 feet high, making them look like they were on a stage.  Their kisses were very long and they were getting quite a bit of attention.  I don't think they were aware, or if they were, they didn't care that they had an audience.

I saw a person begging on the steps of the famous Rialto Bridge and, like the photos of beggars I took in Barcelona, this one shows that most people were doing everything they could to avoid her. I didn't see anyone give her money.

The gondolier was busy texting and didn't see me take his photo.  It was fairly early in the day and he didn't appear to be looking for customers, even though there were lots of gondolas with passengers.  I saw the very European-looking man talking on the phone and made an image despite the crowd.

I was walking down one of the narrow streets when a couple walked into the scene.  I also photographed a young couple who were passing out flyers for a concert.  They were dressed in period costumes - but look at the young woman's shoes.  :)

You may realize by now, that to make this type of image successfully, you need a camera that can zoom and focus quickly.  I used my Canon DSLR to make most of the people photos.

Merry Christmas
Today's Christmas scene was taken in Holyrood.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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