Friday, December 14, 2012

Venice Art 2

Venice Art 2

As we walked the historic streets of Venice, we did a lot of window shopping. Since the area is famous for the beautiful glass they produce, we saw LOTS on display nearly everywhere we went. This morning I have included other photos of colourful glass objects, as well as other window displays that, while they are not strictly art (shoes for example), I thought they were interesting none-the-less.

Murano, another island close to Venice, is most famous for its glass production and many shops sell it. However, we were told by one salesperson, that much of the glass for sale in Venice is not made in Murano, but China and is being advertised as authentic Murano glass. In fact, he told us that some store owners even put Murano stickers on the "fake" stuff and charge top dollar. Too bad there are rip-off artists everywhere!

The first four photos are the same image manipulated using the special effects that are included in Picasa, Google's free program. To be honest, the original wasn't very good, but when adding the effects, I liked it a lot more.

I photographed Murano glass on display in shops around the city. I have to admit that I really liked some of this glass and we did buy a few small pieces for gifts.  We asked the vendors if it was original and we were given certificates of authenticity.  With travelling restrictions these days, we were worried about the weight.  We had the glass wrapped in bubble wrap and carried it with us to minimize the possibility of breakage.

I liked the colourful vase on the red chair outside one of the shops. I didn't notice that the plate under the vase was broken until I was editing photos after getting home.

My Newfoundland and Labrador Link of the Day is From the Past 2, another collection of scanned slides from the 70s, 80s and 90s. This photo was taken in Salvage in the early 80s.


Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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