Saturday, August 24, 2013

Random Passage 4

Random Passage 4

Today I am sharing more photos of the buildings in the Random Passage Movie Set.  It is located on the Bonavista Peninsula near New Bonaventure.  They offer tours, which takes about an hour, and the guide relates the story of Random Passage as you wander from building to building.  I participated in the tour during my first visit, but spent this visit making photographs. 

One person from the USA asked who wrote the book Random Passage.  The book was written by Bernice Morgan, from St. John's.  In 2002, an award-winning  TV mini-series of the book was produced on the site.

If you view the photos uploaded to my Blog over the past two days you will see several with sod roofs.  I imagine that was the best roofs they could have built in those days.  In fact, in many places in the world, sod roofs are still used.  I saw one in Bay Bulls that had vegetables planted on the roof.  Interesting!

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends

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