Friday, August 30, 2013

Random Passage 10

Random Passage 10

The Random Passage Site is a small town built as a movie set for the award-winning mini-series Random Passage which was produced in 2002.  Since then it has been operated as a tourist destination that has been visited by thousands of people from all over the world.  Today's photos are wide shots that show the village and how the buildings are laid out in relation to each other.

The images I've shared over the past 10 days will help you imagine how hard life was for the early settlers on the island of Newfoundland. As I said earlier in this series, this was my second visit to this site and I have created a NEW web site that features photos from both visits.  You can view the 7 New Galleries at:

A few of you have said that you have read the book and seen the movie and others have said that they will read the book as a result of this series.  Feel free to share today's photos and the link to my new galleries with family and friends.  

This is the last day of my summer special - see details below.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends



Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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