Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bell Island 2

Bell Island 2

Today's seascapes were taken on the opposite end of Bell Island near the sea stack called "The Clapper".  There is no road and we had to walk for 15 minutes or so to get there.  The walk isn't hard but I urge visitors to be careful when making photos near the edge of the cliffs - they are VERY steep and, as you can see from the photos, look like the rocks near the top could easily give away.

The last photo was taken of the cliffs as the ferry left the dock.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends


Photos of the Day are for sale as:


Unknown said...

can i use one of the picture and what is the legal status

K. Bruce Lane - Photo of the Day said...

The photos are protected by copyright. Which photo are you interested in and what do you plan to use it for? Once I have that information, I can provide a quote for using it. THanks for your interest in my photos.

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