Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nativity 5

Nativity 5

I love the Winter Solstice because after today the days (daylight hours) will get longer as we head towards Summer. That doesn't mean the weather will improve, but since I like Winter, especially now that I don't have to drive, I don't mind the snow. The past two days have been beautiful - snow and temperatures hovering around 0°C (32°F). I spent a few hours working around the yard and moving a bit of the snow that was falling and really enjoyed it.

Today's photos were taken in 2004, the first year that I photographed the nativity Scenes at the Basilica Museum in St. John's, and show art from Mexico and Peru. For those of you who may be interested in this series, I plan to share photos of Nativity Scenes until Christmas Day. In the New Year I plan to begin a new series of Newfoundland Communities. As you know, since June, most of the photos I've shared were from my trip to the Mediterranean. I've had a few requests to return to photos of Newfoundland and Labrador and will try to do that for a while. :)

Thanks to all those of you who have wished my family and me a Merry Christmas. I know a few of you are going away so I return Best Wishes and Merry Christmas to you right now.

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