Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Nativity 3

Nativity 3

The purpose of sharing the Nativity photos is two-fold. First, they represent the origin and meaning of Christmas and contrast with the "commercial" Christmas that is so prevalent in today's world. Second, they are also examples of Christian Art that we can view and appreciate and provide food for thought during the next few days of Christmas.

The Christmas "Season" has been in full swing on TV and in shopping centres for at least two months, if not three. To be honest, in August the first Christmas decorations were on display in a few stores in this area, indicating that the "season" is being extended even more. I realize that our economy needs the Christmas season in order not to stall, but the true reason for Christmas seems to be pushed aside in the media and in many stores. Food banks and other charities do a lot of good this time of the year, but the main emphasis in this part of the world seems to be "giving and getting" gifts.

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