Thursday, August 23, 2007

Little Catalina

I have visited Little Catalina, Trinity Bay on several occasions and am sharing three images of fishing stages made on my most recent visit.

I walked down the stairs to the grey fishing stage on the left and photographed the red "store" from there. The third photo was taken some distance away on the opposite shore. In fact when I zoom in on each original photo I can see the other stages in the distance on opposite sides of the harbour.

As I stated in a recent Photo of the Day, in years gone by there would have been many stages in this small fishing community. These days there are hardly any, and a few of those that are left are in bad shape. Without a fishery, there is little need for fishing stages in most communities all around Newfoundland and Labrador.

I suggest that people on this list who live in, or visit, our province, take photos of boats, stages and flakes in as many communities as possible. Feel free to send them to and I can have students can add them to the photo gallery at school.
( By participating in the MQP Photo Album Project, you are helping students find free images that they may use in their school projects.

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