Sunday, August 12, 2012

Opening Photos 12

Opening Photos 12

Today I am sharing images of cross-country skiing, a seascape leaves backlit by the sun, a common redpoll, fishing stages and a brown pelican.
  1. The common redpoll is not so common around here. In thirty years I have only seen them for a short while during once winter. They have never returned to my bird feeders.
  2. I spotted the two skiers as I drove along the Witless Bay Line in late winter.  As you can see, this is a fairly barren area.  You can view more People photos here.
  3. The two outbuildings in Summerville, Bonavista Bay were built fairly far from the water. They were also so high up on the cliff, I doubt the water reached them even during high tides. I've shared a link to communities in Eastern Newfoundland, though I don't have a Summerville Gallery created yet.
  4. I love watching the pelicans flying along the beaches in Florida. They seem to move effortlessly through the air, gliding along until they spot a meal, then diving into the water to catch it.
  5. It was so windy in New Melbourne, Trinity Bay that it created a huge spray off each wave that came ashore.  You can view my Seascapes Galleries.
  6. I've always enjoyed photographing the leaves of the mountain ash (we call them dogberry) trees, especially in the evening when the sun is getting lower in the sky.

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