Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

I really enjoy watching pelicans as they glide effortlessly over the beaches in Florida. I have photographed them many times and have many images of them in flight, diving for food, resting on and taking flight from the water. During my last visit to Florida, I photographed many pelicans diving for food close to the beach. After observing them for a while I was able to predict when an individual bird was going to dive. I have to admit that they looked pretty awkward when they stopped flying and dove head first into the shallow water, I was able to capture several photos of then diving and chose the third image to show how awkward they looked in the air once they decided to `take the plunge`!

I`ve recently updated the Brown Pelican Gallery. If you would like to view the 40 images, feel free to visit:

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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