Thursday, July 12, 2012

Boats and Stages 2

Boats and Stages 2

Once, someone asked me why I liked making photographs of boats and, to be honest, it took a while before I could answer the question. First of all, boats are a reflection of our culture - our province was originally built on the cod fishery and people needed boats to catch the fish. Secondly, there are a wide variety of types of boats all around the province and thirdly, I get enjoyment out of making photos of them - I've never tired of this photographic subject even after 42 years.

The first photo was taken in Conception Harbour and I included part of a boat that was hauled out of the water, the rusting hull of a shipwreck in the distance and mountains in the background. A dory tied up to the dock in Brigus caught my attention and I made several images of it, another of which I uploaded to my Blog today. I had to stop to make photos of small boats and reflections on the still waters of a river flowing through Seal Cove, Conception Bay.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

1 comment:

William F Matthews said...

I like the second shot of the dory (with reflection) and the sailboat.


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