Saturday, July 21, 2012

Boats and Stages 11

Boats and Stages 11

As promised, today I am sharing more photos of boats in winter. The first two were taken near the town of South Dildo, Trinity Bay and the next two were located in Avondale, Conception Bay.  The fifth was in Conception Harbour and the last in Conception Bay South.

Yesterday, I commented that some people are complaining about the heat we are having this summer. Unfortunately, because of the dry weather, many communities around the province are dealing with water shortages and bans on outside usage of water are in effect. People are not permitted to water lawns, flower and vegetable gardens. They can't wash cars or top up swimming pools either. Fortunately, I have a small pond near my house and can water my vegetable and flower gardens often, but we need a couple of days of rain for gardens and to help those communities having water issues.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:


William F Matthews said...

I particularly like the first one in this batch - old, covered in snow, with dark calm water in the background.

Prasanna said...

i also like the first one


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