Monday, January 05, 2009

Reflections 4 - Chapel's Cove

Thanks for all the positive comments about yesterday's photos of Reflections taken in Chapel's Cove. In fact, several of you said they were your favourite photos so far! I had planned to save today's photos for later, but because of your responses I decided to send them today.

You will notice that there are smoke stacks behind the hill in the first photo. These belong to Newfoundland Hydro's Power Plant in Seal Cove which is located on the other side of Conception Bay. I could have moved a little and gotten rid of them entirely, but decided to leave them in to show that the beauty of the area is "scarred" by the large smoke stacks.

You can view this area in Google Earth if you search for Seal Cove, Conception Bay South, then zoom out to include Chapels Cove as well. You will also see the small lakes in the town of Chapel's Cove.

In the third photo I included a part of a shrub that was growing on the side of the road. I realized it spoiled the symmetry of the image, but since I liked the view, I made the photo.

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Bonfires I have been having bonfires around my property in Holyrood for over 40 years and have enjoyed every one of them! I have taken pictu...