Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fishing Stages

Yesterday one of you asked me to give more information about "stages" so the photos today have fishing stages as the subject. Since there are many in Little Bay Islands, I am sharing three more images from my visit there in 2003.

Wikipedia defines fishing stage as:
A fishing stage is a wooden vernacular building, typical of the rough traditional buildings associated with the cod fishery in Newfoundland, Canada. Stages are located at the water's edge or "landwash", and consist of an elevated platform on the shore with working tables and sheds at which fish are landed and processed for salting and drying. Traditionally, they are painted with a red ochre paint, though colours other than red are sometimes seen.

As stated yesterday, the fishing stages in Little Bay Islands are in excellent shape (at least they were in 2003) and it was a pleasure to photograph them. There are thousands of photographs of fishing stages in my collection, which has been growing since 1970. From time to time I will share more images of them.

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