Thursday, January 09, 2014

Transatlantic Sunrise 1

Transatlantic Sunrise 1

As you can imagine, once we got out on the Atlantic, the only thing to photograph were sunrises and sunsets.  Since we ate dinner at 6:00 PM every night, I didn't get photographs of sunsets.  I did make photos on board the Liberty of the Seas using my iPhone and may share some of them with you later.

Each morning, I went to Deck 12 of the ship and spent a half hour or so watching the sunrise.  I missed a few because the time of sunrise, which was published in the daily Compass, was printed incorrectly.  We were at sea 13 days and we didn't see a drop of rain and only scattered clouds so the weather was perfect for making photos of each sunrise.

Today's photos were taken on the third morning at sea.  I was surprised to see several islands appear out of the darkness and later checked a map to discover that we had passed Madeira, a group of islands that were claimed by Portugal in 1419.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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