Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Naples 4

Naples 4

For the past two days we have been without power here in Holyrood. The island part of the province has been experiencing power generation problems and there have been rotating black-outs and a couple of system shutdowns where nearly everyone (190,000 households) lost electricity for a period of time.

We lost our power for 29 hours on one of the coldest days/nights of the year (-30°C with wind chill/ -22°F).  It came back on for 8 hours, just long enough to warm up the house again,  then went off again for another 14 hours.  Two long, cold nights and days.  Today, however, the temperature has risen to above zero and we have had freezing rain and now it's raining and very windy.  Power lines are falling in some areas and power outages are starting to occur in the province - Northern Peninsula and Southern Labrador.

Like other cities  visited in Europe, Naples has lots of art all around the city.  I photographed some of it as I wandered through the streets of the old city.  In other cities much of the art was religious in nature but what I observed in Naples was political or related to military.  You can view 11 photos on my Blog today.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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