Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Citrus Park 1

Citrus Park 1

It took our cruise ship 13 days to travel across the Atlantic Ocean from Barcelona, Spain to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  From Fort Lauderdale, we travelled to Citrus Park in Bonita Springs and stayed with friends for a while.  For the next while I will share images of Citrus Park.

A typical day in Florida starts with a walk to photograph the sunrise.  Citrus Park is a 50+ gated community and many people are out and about at sunrise. Usually though, I am the only one making photos every day.  I've said many times previously that I really enjoy experiencing sunrises because they are very beautiful and peaceful.  Making photos that I can share is a bonus.

Later that day, I rode a bike to Farmer Mikes, located just outside the gates of the community to photograph the interesting U-Pick Strawberry Farm.  I took several photos with my iPhone and thought I'd share them with you.  As you can see, each spike had 4 flower pots with 4 strawberry plants in each one.  This is very interesting because you can get 16 plants in the space that normally would have one or two.  As well, because of the way they are placed, there is little room for weeds.  There are hoses running across the top and they are watered from above.  Quite a good system for growing strawberries!

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

1 comment:

William F Matthews said...

Gorgeous sunrise pictures, and even with a bird! Neat way to grow strawberries.


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