Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.  I wish you all health and happiness for 2014.

The beginning of the new year also marks the anniversary of my email version of Photo of the Day.  Today marks the beginning of the twelfth year of sharing photos by email.  I began by sharing one photo with a short comment each morning and it has evolved to the present format with 3 photos with a link to my Photo of the Day Blog where I usually upload five or more images.  It has really become a Photo Essay of the Day.  When sharing travel photos I usually upload around 20 photos each day. 

Today also marks the first anniversary of my K. Bruce Lane Photography Facebook Page where I have 255 followers.  If you are on Facebook you can Like that page  to find out about updates to my web site as well as special offers from time to time.

I also have a personal Facebook where I upload photos on a daily basis.  Usually I upload one of the photos I share here with a link to my Blog.  However, I do upload other images that you do not see.  For example, for the month of December I have uploaded one Photo Art image each day.  As well, I've been scanning some old negatives of kids I taught in King's Point and Norris Arm and uploading them to that page.  You can follow me with 289 others on that page at:

Today's social media also includes Twitter and you can follow me there at:  And I am connected to 616 people on LinkedIn and upload images to Pinterest at: Finally, I have a YouTube Channel where I upload slide shows from time to time.  You can view the 27 videos at: .  I plan to create and upload more videos to that site this year.  Feel free to check that site and Follow me to be notified when new slide shows are uploaded.

As you can see, I am "connected" to the world and people have the opportunity to view my images in a number of different ways. It has become more and more time-consuming, but I am retired so I have the time.  :)

Feel free to check the above links and Follow me on those sites as well.   Once again, Happy New Year!!

Tomorrow I plan to start a Transatlantic Series for a few days.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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