Sunday, September 20, 2009


Today's photos were taken over 25 years ago, long before digital photography came on the scene. In those days I used slide film most of the time and had to wait 2 - 3 weeks to see the photos I took.

The first photo was taken on Outer Cove in the early 80s. I imagine there have been a lot of changed there in 30 years. The second photo was taken in Triton, Notre Dame Bay around 1979. I think both old buildings in the background are gone now. The shed (and maybe the house) in the third photo are also gone. A couple of fishing stages and boats along the river bank in Petty Harbour still stand, but I don't think they are all still there.

1 comment:

bearkat said...

Funny thing with technology!!
Enjoying the photos and places you have been. Really enjoyed the Ross farm series! Just seems like I have been so busy of late....
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson!
Hard to believe that fall is nearly here!
Take care Bruce


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