Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year

I have photographed fireworks in Holyrood a few times over the years and thought I'd share a few from 1987! this morning.

In 1993, I started sharing a Photo of the Day with friends and family, and before too long it grew to more than 750 people all around the world.  In 1996, I added a Photo of the Day Blog and also uploaded my photos there as well.  Over time, it became more and more difficult to share by email because server software identified my emails with large numbers of recipients as Spam and they were rejected nearly every day.  Bot wanting to give it up completely, I decided to go with this BLOG as well as a daily Facebook Post.  I created monthly albums of my Photo of the Day and continue to do so.

The worst thing is that Facebook also thinks my Blog is Spam and they have blocked it and I can't link to it from Facebook.  

The best thing is that I am still able to share my Photo of the Day with thousands of people around the world.  

So, if you want to follow my daily Photo of the Day Posts, you can view them here or on my main Facebook Page. 

I wish you all the best in 2022 and I hope the pandemic will end soon!!

Feel free to share

You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook:


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