Saturday, January 01, 2022



I decided to start 2022 with a few photos of honeybees that I took in my yard this summer because I was excited to see them on my property for the first time ever!  I have lived here for 40 years and, until I photographed honeybees in Florida, I had never seen, or photographed, any.  In fact, the first time I photographed them, I wasn't sure if they were honeybees and had to have someone confirm it.

The bees showed up early and fed on dandelions, but after 2 days, I didn't see another one for the rest of the summer.  The only explanation is that a neighbour up the street who had sheep, hens and roosters, sold his house and moved. I am assuming he also had a beehive, but I am not sure.  

Hopefully, I will see a few again this summer, because they are a delight to watch and fun to photograph!

If you are interested, I have three albums of honeybee photos on Facebook, and you can view the most recent here -

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You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook:


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