Saturday, April 03, 2010

Stained Glass

I plan to continue the Stained Glass series until Easter Sunday. Yesterday's images of Good Friday received several positive comments and today's images are meant to show you how different artists decided to portray the Crucifixion.

The first image is very interesting; the artist chose not to show persons but a simple depiction of three crosses on a hill overlooking a village. I really liked this image when I photographed it in St. Paul's Anglican Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I uploaded a slide show of the stained glass windows in this church to my Blog on November 6, 2008. Feel free to check it out - Photo of the Day Blog.

The stained glass window in the second image was photographed in St. Joseph's, Newfoundland and Labrador, not too long before the church was condemned and torn down. This image is also very simple in design. I suspect there aren't a lot of photographs of this particular piece of art.

The third window was in Memorial United Church in Grand Falls, Newfoundland and Labrador. This is a fairly typical image of the Crucifixion that one will see in many churches.

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