Wednesday, August 02, 2006

St. Anne's, Fortune Harbour

The last community on my tour of Central Newfoundland is Fortune Harbour, a small community about 60 km from the Trans Canada Highway.

Other than the church, I could remember very little about the town. I was hoping to get inside the church, because it is over 100 years old and probably quite photogenic. Unfortunately, it was locked, but I did get a few photos from the outside.

Many of you may remember that I asked people on this list to send photos of "Places of Worship" in your areas. Students at MQP were working on this project and have several photos of churches on line.

I also have photos of a few churches on line at


Thielmann said...

any idea when this church was built? If the answer is 1893 or earlier, then this is where my wife's great-grandparents were married!

Thielmann said...

any idea when this church was built? If the answer is 1893 or earlier, then this is where my wife's great-grandparents were married!

Brown Pelicans in Flight

Brown Pelicans in Flight  Today, I started my second album featuring photos of brown pelicans in flight. These birds are amazing flyers and ...