Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Voisey's Bay - 1996

Voisey's Bay - 1996

It was 25 years ago when I was in Voisey's Bay photographing Helicopters at Work.  It was exciting to be taking photos from a helicopter with the door taken off.  There were at least 10 helicopters there and each time a pilot got a call to work, I accompanied them in a different helicopter so I could photograph them as they completed their various jobs.  

The photos should be interesting because I am certain that the area has changed a lot since I took these photos.

I have started an album featuring the photos I took that weekend and will add photos to it in the approximate order they were taken.  I will probably end up with 3 albums with 100 photos in each.  You can follow the first album here -

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You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook:


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