Sunday, January 02, 2022



In 2011, my wife and I did a Mediterranean Cruise from Barcelona to Venice and return.  It was our first cruise and, though we didn't know what to expect, we thoroughly enjoyed it. Ten years ago, technology was different and I was uploading photos at 480 pixels.  As screens got bigger and Facebook changed their format a few times, those photos were too small.  Then, I increased the size to 600 pixels, but the most recent changes to Facebook have made those photos pretty small as well.

As a result, I am planning to revisit the photos and upload larger versions.  In addition, I plan to add photos that, for some reason or another, I decided not to share back then.  It's been 10 years, so I doubt if many people will actually remember the photos.  :) And, since travel appears to be impossible for us for the next few months, it will be like doing the cruise all over again!  

The photos on my blog today are from the Spanish Village in Barcelona.  It was our first day in Europe ever and it was pouring rain.  That didn't stop us from checking out the little village that was built for the Olympics and featured the types of architecture that one can find all over Spain.

If you want to follow my revised album, you can find it here -

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You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook:


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