Monday, January 31, 2022

January 31

Last year was the first in many that we, along with many Canadian friends, didn't spend a couple of months in Florida.  As a result, I created an album for each day in January, February and March that showed a selection of photos taken on each day in previous years.  It helped me, and many others, realize what a great place Bonita Terra (formerly known as Citrus Park) is to spend the winter.

You can view the album for January 31 here -

I won't do the same again this year, because most of them are in Florida this year! However, the albums are still available on my Travel Page. 

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You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook:


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Bonfires I have been having bonfires around my property in Holyrood for over 40 years and have enjoyed every one of them! I have taken pictu...