Saturday, August 07, 2010

St. Lunaire - Griquet 3

Even though there was a little fog and mist and the sky was becoming increasingly overcast, I managed to capture a few nice images in St. Lunaire-Griquet. The single red shed with the ocean and hillsides in the background made an interesting image. The white house with steep cliffs was also interesting. The cliff without the house was difficult to photograph because of the contrast between the dark cliffs and brighter sky. When I looked back through the photos I took in 2004, I realized it was the same type of morning - overcast and fairly dark - as it was this trip and that I hadn't taken photos in this part of the community during the last visit.

I saw a "Support Our Troops" sign in the town and took a photo of it. Afterwards, I saw several similar signs in the community. I assume there are soldiers from the area who are serving, or have served, in Afghanistan.

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Doors and Windows - Europe

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